Thank you DAD……


I was always in doubt that at what day i may able to understand my father? I done my graduation,,,, my post graduation but i never been able to understand the silence or ignorance of my father . But from the last 2 years , i realize the importance of his ignorance , his silence and his love for everyone of his family which he never express fully  or he may never want to .

Two years ago i joined his business, Initially i thought he is accepting me but as the time pass by i got to realize that he starts making me feel part of the business. From the last years and still on ,,,,, even i can’t express that how much i understand my father and also his importance. I am learning the best and bestest out of him, every day i learning new, I am MBA…

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Socially Trapped !



Am i socially trapped or habitual or what else?

what is socially trapped ? For me it’s a trap which is created by our self. But what is that in which which we are socially trapped? It’s none other than our own or so called beloved social networking websites.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc? these socially networking sites are no more the sites which helps you to create your network socially.

Face to face interactions become less significant as compare to online interactions. our perception regarding someone comes from their  online actions. Are we sure about this? Mean to say that we are so trapped that even we start judging people by their online actions.

some network provides you the LIKE option to convey that yes you actually like it , some restrict you in 140 words limit to express yourself , someone just wants you express you and your…

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Socially Trapped !


Am i socially trapped or habitual or what else?

what is socially trapped ? For me it’s a trap which is created by our self. But what is that in which which we are socially trapped? It’s none other than our own or so called beloved social networking websites.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, etc? these socially networking sites are no more the sites which helps you to create your network socially.

Face to face interactions become less significant as compare to online interactions. our perception regarding someone comes from their  online actions. Are we sure about this? Mean to say that we are so trapped that even we start judging people by their online actions.

some network provides you the LIKE option to convey that yes you actually like it , some restrict you in 140 words limit to express yourself , someone just wants you express you and your thought s or your life through your photos and videos and many more are like that provides you with something different or same.

But i must say now even our thought process go through scanning of social networking and yes we also get comment over that.

Now even our happiness depend upon the fact that how many LIKES we get on our post besides the fact that someone actually liked it or not.

Earlier we just wake up in the morning and go through daily routine and initiate our day by not giving shit about anything but now we start our day on Facebook by Beautiful textured Good Morning in spite of the fact that we don’t wish our parents yet, and our day just continues with our regular updated views with no knowledge about topic, it’s nothing than addiction of just being online. Now we want to publicize everything online socially like what we feel, being happy, or even now where are you traveling ? Mean to say that everything we want to publicize not to increase your network just to be in frame so that no one forget you or to be in limelight so that at least someone can notice me.

What’s That? It’s nothing but a trap where you are so intensely tied that you actually lost the real you and the real nature of you and others.
Someone gives you 140 words to describe yourself or your thoughts , and ultimately somewhere you feel so conserve to express but just to impress or to make other people feel that you are there, you still go on and doing what ?

With the excitement or fun it brings lots of disadvantages like an easiest way of cheat , crime, Harass, and much more?

Being in the trap of social networks is like living in fake world and end up in real loneliness.

We trapped ourselves so badly that now we are more happy to socialize  with people online instead of real face to face . Now only our fingers talk to people , now our mind create thoughts or judgement , but not our heart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

so what you think that Are you brave enough to get rid of this trap or you get used to to it like some drug…………..THINK OVER IT

Inner Spark


DSC_0517Does this spark you up , if not anything else.

My actual question is what or who we need to spark us? The answer may be quiet dramatic but yes he/she is no one else but we ourselves are the best supporters of ourselves. On daily basis our ambition and our goal contradict with each other but at last who wins , its the thing which get more spark . we fight from day 1 when you start thinking what do we actually need?? It’s the fight between me and my thoughts. people come and people gone but we cannot run from our self. So Boost your  self so hard that your spark may not need someone to light  but our strong desire work as matchbox to fire you up or your spark. I just start to writing not to impress anyone but give freedom to my spark that …

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